PushPure1 Prototyp Amp

Another creation is the PushPure1 amplifier top. The idea was to build a HRM d-style based amp with a single-ended poweramp consisting of a single 6v6, 6L6 oder even a EL34 plus an active effects loop. It is loaded with different switches to make the EQ more versatile, eg. bright and deep. With an EQ that is more Fenderish and less d-style like. And to add a little more complexity to the build, I decided to implement a footswitch to activate overdrive and preamp boost. A great adventure to implement all the features in that small-sized chassis, but it worked after I found those mini transformers to generate the 5V Relais voltage.
Violeta5 Prototype Amp

Here is another of my amp creations. The Violeta5 is a 5 Watt single-ended combo with a tweed clean channel and a d-style overdrive section. Just a few knobs and lots of tone from a 12″ Eminence RWB Speaker. The combo can also be used as a cabinet for different amps. An old radio from the 50s and the transformers I got with it made the idea happen. It has a tube rectifier and an EL84 Powertube that can be quite loud. Listen to Violeta5 here:
Mini5 Prototype Amp

The Mini5 amplifier is a former GA-5 Combo amp loaded with a 8″ Speaker which I transformed to a d-style amplifier with a Push-Pull poweramp consisting of a preamptube with great success. It has a clean channel with two different EQ types, Skyliner and the Classic. Options to alter the sound are a preamp boost, a bright switch and an overdrive switch. The amp plays great at home at recording level with a maximum of sound. Pedals can be used as well, as it also provides a passive effects loop on the back.